Sharepoint 2013在线添加网络位置


我已将Sharepoint联机文档库添加到我的Windows 10 Pro(x64)1703计算机中.

I have added a Sharepoint online document library to my Windows 10 Pro (x64) 1703 computer.


After a couple of days I get access denied. The error messages say's:

\\ \ DavWWWRoot \ sites \ central-fillagring \ Delade dokument \ IT不可用.也许您没有使用此资源的权限.向服务器管理员寻求帮助.


Access denied. Before you can open files on this site, you must first add it to the Trusted Places list, go to the site and select the automatic login option.


But I already have the URL added to Trusted Sites. I definitely have access to the site.

我已尝试在Internet选项中激活"使用当前用户名和密码自动登录". b在受信任的站点上.

I have tried in Internet Options to activate "Log in automatically with the current username and password" b on Trusted Sites.



In the control panel and autenticationcredentials and windows credentials I have the information added.

唯一有效的方法是删除网络位置,然后使用Internet Explorer转到共享点站点,然后单击以使用Explorer打开.然后,我可以再次添加网络位置.但是..过了几天,我无法再次访问它.

Only thing that works is to delete the network location, then go to the sharepoint site with Internet Explorer and click to open with Explorer. Then I can add the Network location again. But.. after a couple of days I cant access it again.


您是否已使用"https:"添加网站? ?并确保您的本地计算机帐户已与Office 365同步?

Have you added the site with "https:" ? and also ensure your local computer account has been synchronized with Office 365 ?


Why don't you try the new feature with modernization for sync  OneDrive for Business Client ?