使用php soap服务器和java客户端的Web服务[关闭]

使用php soap服务器和java客户端的Web服务[关闭]


I want to learn to implement web services using soap in php. I also want to utilize the service using java client. I am interested in soap protocol and if there is some othere better protocol.

My research: I got many online tutorials on implementing web service using soap in php. I also got greate content on soap protocol.

My question: How to utilize that service using java client? Is it possible? Can you refer me to tutorial which serves my need? Is there any good book that i can purchase. I also want to know how can a php soap server authenticate a java client. Is authentication done for each request or maintaining session is possible.

我想学习使用php中的soap实现Web服务。 我还想使用java客户端来使用该服务。 我对soap协议感兴趣,如果有更好的协议。 em> p>

我的研究: strong>我有很多关于使用web服务的在线教程 在PHP的肥皂。 我也有肥皂协议的内容。 p>

我的问题: strong>如何使用Java客户端利用该服务? 可能吗? 你能把我推荐给我需要的教程吗? 有没有可以购买的好书。 我也想知道php soap服务器如何验证java客户端。 是否可以为每个请求进行身份验证或维护会话。 p> div>

By definition:

Web Services have been designed to support interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a network.

So consuming a web service is independent of the implementation technology of the web service, now you can search for "implement a Java based SOAP client" on SO.

plus check below URLs:

Java Client – PHP Soapserver

And THIS free book by Nan-Chao Huang.