


给出以下代码,lastuser字符串返回null,但是,如果我使用regedit查看此键,则它具有与之关联的数据. LoggedOnSAMuser是受限制的密钥吗?

give the code below, lastuser string returns null, however, if I use regedit to look at this key it has data associated with it. Is LoggedOnSAMuser a restricted key?

public static string lastlogon()
        string lastuser;
        RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64);
        RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI",false);
        if (registryKey != null)
            lastuser = (string) registryKey.GetValue("LastLoggedOnSAMUser");
        else lastuser = "Unknown User";
        return (lastuser);


  1. 您正在尝试阅读LoggedOnSAMUser键,您很有可能会 表示LastLoggedOnSAMUser.
  2. 您可能正在尝试从32位应用程序读取64位注册表项.如果可能,将平台目标更改为x64并重试.如果不可能,则可能必须直接使用注册表API.希望能在正确的方向上进行微调:链接
  1. You are trying to read the LoggedOnSAMUser key, quite a chance you meant LastLoggedOnSAMUser.
  2. You might be trying to read a 64-bit registry entry from a 32-bit application. If possible, change your platform target to x64 and retry. If not possible, you might have to use the registry API directly. Hopefully a nudge in the right directon: link