使用javascript动态创建的kendo UI网格

使用javascript动态创建的kendo UI网格



I have one of the grid column called Action Links and it shows data as JSON format as follows:

  {"Id" : "1", "Flag1": "1", "Flag2": "1"}
    {"Id" : "2", "Flag1": "1", "Flag2": "1", "Flag3": "1"}
    {"Id" : "3", "Flag1": "1" }

我能够解析数据并获取所有标志和ID,但是现在的问题是,如果我看到"Flag1" = 1 ,那么在同一列动作链接"中,我需要替换数据以显示图像图标,然后使用" onclick "打开一个新窗口,其参数为Id = 1.

I am able to parse data and get all the Flags and Id's but my problem now is if i see "Flag1" = 1 then in the same column Action Links,i need to replace the data to show a image icon and "onclick" open a new window with parameter as Id = 1.

如果所有标志均为1,则显示3个不同的图标,然后单击打开带有相应参数ID的新窗口.我正在客户端执行此操作,因为这些字段是使用kendo UI和javascript动态创建的.

If all the flags are 1 then show 3 different icons and onclick open a new window with respective parameter id. I am doing it on client side as the fields are created on fly using kendo UI and javascript.



If I understood correctly you want your kendo grid to have a conditional display on a particular column; if so on your grid declaration:

... , {
           field: "Flag1",
           title: "Flag",
           template: function (dataItem) {
               var value = dataItem. Flag1;

               if (!value || value === 1) {
                   return 'image/html here';
               return "something else";

       }, { ..

Kendo Grid使用 template 函数有条件地在列中显示内容

Kendo Grid uses template function to conditionally display content in a a column