使用html5& amp;动态生成的主体创建电子邮件链接JavaScript的



Am trying to create a link to create an email to send information to the user, the body of which needs to be filled with data generated by a javascript function, and hope that someone can help.


Idealy, if I could substitute the 'body_blurb' below, with a string returned from a javascript function called at the time of clicking that'd be perfect.

<A HREF="mailto:you@yourdomain.com?subject=Data&body=body_blurb">e-mail data</a>


我刚刚在这里分配了一个id到链接,但是如果你想要的话,你可以创建一些更通用的东西。创建一个onclick处理程序后,您可以使用 href 访问该URL。将其设置为任何您想要的。

I just assigned an id to the link here, but you could create something more generic if you wanted. Once you have an onclick handler created you can access the url with href. Set this to whatever you want.


var link = document.getElementById('email');
link.onclick = function() {
    this.href = "mailto:you@yourdomain.com?subject=Data&body=";
    this.href += getBody();

function getBody() {
    return 'HelloWorld';