



What is the code to transform an image (maximum of 200 KB) into a Base64 String?


I need to know how to do it with Android, because I have to add the functionality to upload images to a remote server in my main app, putting them into a row of the database, as a string.

我正在Google和Stack Overflow中进行搜索,但是我找不到可以负担得起的简单示例,也找到了一些示例,但是它们并不是在讨论如何转换为String.然后,我需要转换为字符串以通过JSON上传到我的远程服务器.

I am searching in Google and in Stack Overflow, but I could not find easy examples that I can afford and also I find some examples, but they are not talking about to transform into a String. Then I need to transform into a string to upload by JSON to my remote server.

您可以使用Base64 Android类:

You can use the Base64 Android class:

String encodedImage = Base64.encodeToString(byteArrayImage, Base64.DEFAULT);


You'll have to convert your image into a byte array though. Here's an example:

Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/path/to/image.jpg");
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos); // bm is the bitmap object
byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();


如果您使用的是较旧的SDK库(因为您希望它在具有旧版OS的手机上运行),则不会打包Base64类(因为它只是在API级别8 AKA版本中发布的) 2.2).

If you're using an older SDK library (because you want it to work on phones with older versions of the OS) you won't have the Base64 class packaged in (since it just came out in API level 8 AKA version 2.2).


Check this article out for a workaround:
