


我在Windows上的git bash遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题.

I am having a really weird issue with git bash on windows.

当我在Visual Studio中工作时,使用存储在tfs服务器中的git repo没问题.我只是分支,承诺和推动.

When I am working in Visual Studio I have no problem working with my git repo stored in a tfs server. I just branched, committed and pushed.

但是当我尝试在我的git bash中执行相同的操作(获取,拉动,推动...)时,我会得到

But when I try to do the same (fetch, pull, push...) in my git bash I get a


我试图删除该存储库并从bash克隆它,但得到相同的错误.删除了与Web/Windows凭据(凭据管理器)中的tfs相关的所有内容,没有进行任何更改. 还尝试使用git config --global --unset credential.helper.仍然没有结果.

I tried to delete the repo and clone it from bash, but get the same error. Deleted everything related to tfs in Web/Windows Credentials (Credential Manager) did not change anything. Also tried to use git config --global --unset credential.helper. Still no result.


Has anyone got such a problem before?

您需要使用 SSH .

下载并运行最新的Git for Windows安装程序,其中包括Windows的Git Credential Manager.请确保在出现提示时保持启用Git Credntial Manager安装选项.

Download and run the latest Git for Windows installer, which includes the Git Credential Manager for Windows. Make sure to leave the Git Credntial Manager installation option enabled when prompted.