


我正在尝试创建数据流SQL 在Google Big Query上出现此错误

I'm trying to create a Dataflow SQL on Google Big Query and I got this error

Unsupported type for column centroid.centroid: GEOGRAPHY


I couldnt find any evidence that Dataflow SQL actually does not support Geography data and in the documentation geography data is not mentioned at all. Is this the case, why is that and is there any workaround?

不幸的是,Dataflow SQL不支持Geography类型.它支持 BigQuery标准SQL 的子集.仅支持在您链接的页面中明确列出的数据类型,对此可能应该更加清楚.

No unfortunately Dataflow SQL does not support Geography types. It supports a subset of BigQuery Standard SQL. Only the data types listed explicitly in the page you linked are supported, it should probably be more clear about that.

Dataflow SQL依靠ZetaSQL来解析和分析查询,并且ZetaSQL尚不支持Geography(您可以查看当前状态

Dataflow SQL relies on ZetaSQL to parse and analyze queries, and ZetaSQL does not yet support Geography (you can see the current status here).


Unfortunately for now the only workaround is to convert any GEOGRAPHY fields to a supported type.