尝试使用jQuery Ajax调用PHP文件

尝试使用jQuery Ajax调用PHP文件


我正在Debian 7.0.0上使用jQuery 2.0.2进行开发.

I am developing using jQuery 2.0.2 on Debian 7.0.0.


I am trying to call a PHP script from a JavaScript file using jQuery.ajax. My code is as follows.

    type: "POST",
    url: "DisplayParameters.php",
    data: { LUT:lut, 
        Brightness: brightness,
        Gamma: gamma,
        Background: background}
    }).done(function( result ) {
    $("#msg").html( " Ajax called" );


At the beginning of DisplayParameters.php, I have the following.

<script language="JavaScript">

,但未调用警报框. Firebug继续进行,没有任何错误,并显示DisplayParameters.php文本(带有+/-控件以将其折叠和展开).但是不会调用警报框.我无法从DisplayParameters.php获得任何反馈来跟踪正在发生的事情.

but the alert box is not called. Firebug proceeds without any errors and shows the DisplayParameters.php text (with a +/- control to collapse and expand it). But the alert box is not called. I cannot get any feedback from DisplayParameters.php to trace what is happening.


What would be the best way for me to get feedback (like alert boxes or console.log) from DisplayParameters.php?


Your ajax call returns the contents of DisplayParameters.php as text, console.log(result) would show:

<script language="JavaScript">


If you want to add this extra code to the page (which I don't recommend unless you are sure you won't break the current page), you can try:

    type: "POST",
    url: "DisplayParameters.php",
    data: { LUT:lut, 
        Brightness: brightness,
        Gamma: gamma,
        Background: background}
}).done(function( result ){
    $("#msg").html( " Ajax called" );

另一种方法是序列化(JSON)所需的信息,设置dataType: "json"选项,然后根据此信息进行操作.

Another approach would be to serialize (JSON) the information you need, set the dataType: "json" option, and act based on this information.


If you will send HTML, ensure your PHP code doesn't shows any error or warning messages.