



I have a very uncommon scenario. I have a function, lets call this as DataGenerator. This method generates all test XMLs which are needed for the tests to execute. These XMLs are referenced as data source in each of the MSTests.

    [TestCategory("UITest"), TestCategory("PersonalDetailsFlow")]
    [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML", "|DataDirectory|\\TestFlows.xml", "flow", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
    public void TestMethod1()
     //Test Code


And I use the below code to create test XMLs

    public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
        DriverData driverData = new DriverData();

运行此代码时,出现以下错误行 单元测试适配器无法连接到数据源或读取数据.有关解决此错误的详细信息,请参阅对数据驱动的单元测试进行故障排除"

When I run this code, I get the below error line The unit test adapter failed to connect to the data source or to read the data. For more information on troubleshooting this error, see "Troubleshooting Data-Driven Unit Tests"

我相信这是因为MSTEST正在| DataDirectory | \ |

I believe this is because MSTEST is looking for TestFlow.xml in |DataDirectory|\|


Can anyone please help me how to execute the code

DriverData driverData = new DriverData();


before any of the code gets executed so that I can avoid the above message. Any pointers would be really great

您尝试使用静态构造函数吗? 请参阅: MSDN-静态构造函数

did you try to use a static constructor? See: MSDN - static constructor

最好, 丹尼尔