


我想要在测试组执行的整个过程中运行Grizzly HttpServer 。另外,我想在测试中自己从 @Rule 与全局HttpServer实例进行交互。

I have a Grizzly HttpServer that I want to run for the entire duration of a test group execution. Additionally, I want to interact with the global HttpServer instance from a @Rule inside the tests themselves.

因为我使用Maven Surefire而不是使用JUnit测试套件,我不能在 @BeforeClass / @AfterClass 上使用测试套件本身。

Since I'm using Maven Surefire rather than using JUnit test suites, I can't use @BeforeClass/@AfterClass on the test suite itself.

现在,我能想到的就是懒洋洋地初始化静态字段并从 Runtime.addShutdownHook()停止服务器 - 不太好!

Right now, all I can think of is lazily initialising a static field and stopping the server from a Runtime.addShutdownHook() -- not nice!

有两个选项,一个maven解决方案和一个万无一失的解决方案。耦合最少的解决方案是在预集成测试集成后测试阶段执行插件。请参阅构建生命周期简介 - 生命周期参考 。我不熟悉灰熊,但这是一个使用码头的例子:

There are two options, a maven solution and a surefire solution. The least coupled solution is to execute a plugin in the pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phase. See Introduction to the Build Lifecycle - Lifecycle Reference. I'm not familiar with grizzly, but here is an example using jetty:


请注意 start 的阶段是预集成测试和停止 post-integration-test 。我不确定是否有一个灰熊maven插件,但你可以使用 maven-反而是antrun-plugin

Note that the phase for start is pre-integration-test and stop is post-integration-test. I'm not sure if there is a grizzly maven plugin, but you could use the maven-antrun-plugin instead.

第二个选项是使用JUnit RunListener RunListener 侦听测试事件,例如测试开始,测试结束,测试失败,测试成功等。

The second option is to use a JUnit RunListener. RunListener listens to test events, such as test start, test end, test failure, test success etc.

public class RunListener {
    public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception {}
    public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception {}
    public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception {}
    public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception {}
    public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception {}
    public void testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure) {}
    public void testIgnored(Description description) throws Exception {}


So you could listen for RunStarted and RunFinished. These would start/stop the services you want. Then, in surefire, you can specify a custom listener, using:


这是来自 Maven Surefire插件,使用JUnit,使用自定义侦听器和记者