MSBuild Windows Store应用程序(地铁)

MSBuild Windows Store应用程序(地铁)


我使用nugget和Hudson将我们的库部署到企业中以供重用.我们最近开始从事Windows商店应用程序(以前称为Metro应用程序)的工作. Hudson在Windows Server 2008机器上运行.我需要安装什么才能从源进行编译以部署到nuget. Ms build找不到所需的目标文件.是否有要安装的特定SDK?

I use nugget and Hudson to deploy our libraries to our enterprise for reuse. We recently started work on windows store apps (formerly called Metro app). Hudson runs on a windows server 2008 box. What do I need to install to compile from source to deploy to nuget. Ms build doesn't find the target files needed. Is there a specific SDK to install?

因此,为解决此问题,我安装了4.5框架SDK.如我所述,这样做之后,它丢失了目标文件.然后,我仅将目标文件从本地开发计算机上的C:\ Program Files(x86)\ MSBuild \ Microsoft \ WindowsXaml \ v11.0复制到服务器上的同一目录.

So, to solve this, I installed the 4.5 framework SDK. After doing so, it was missing the target files, as I mentioned. Then I simply copied target files from C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WindowsXaml\v11.0 on my local development machine to the same directory on the server.


MSBuild liked this and and it compiled without issues.