ASP.NET还是PHP5? [关闭]

ASP.NET还是PHP5?  [关闭]


I've recently decided to get interested in server-side programming languages.

I already know a little of PHP and MySQL, but I stumbled upon being referred to as future of the web, cutting-edge etc.

Since I'm at the beginning I can easily start learning whatever I choose to, but I'd like to hear some opinions first.

As far as my research goes PHP is cheaper when it comes to hosting sites while is definitely harder to come by. Also Google, Facebook and Wikipedia uses it.

On the other side the seems to have this great MVC Razor framework that judging by the sample videos on their site is brilliant and many things work out of the box.

While learning I'll create a little game, nothing fancy but it can possibly grow as time goes by and as I add new features.

So what do you think has brigter future? PHP or

I don't mind spending hours on learning, if it's hard then so be it. but I'd rather not learn a language that nobody will use making all my efforts a waste of time.

我最近决定对服务器端编程语言产生兴趣。 p>

因为我在 一开始我可以很容易地开始学习我选择的任何东西,但我想先听一些意见。 p>

就我的研究而言,PHP在托管网站方面更便宜,而ASP.net肯定更难获得。 谷歌,Facebook和*也使用它。 p>

另一方面,ASP.net似乎有这个伟大的MVC Razor框架,根据他们网站上的示例视频判断是很棒的和很多东西 开箱即用。 p>

在学习的过程中,我会创建一个小游戏,没什么特别的,但随着时间的推移它可能会随着我添加新功能而增长。 p> \ n

那么你认为未来有多么美好? PHP或 p> nn

我不介意花几个小时学习,如果它很难,那就这样吧。 但是我宁愿不学习一种没人会使用的语言让我的所有努力都浪费时间。 p> div>

Are you going to be looking for a job as a web developer, or are you doing this as a hobbyist programmer?

If you're doing it for fun, you could really go either way.

My experience (I'm an ASP.NET developer using C#) has been there are a LOT more ASP.NET jobs than PHP jobs. I base this on some feedback my brother-in-law has gotten from recruiters as well as my own LinkedIn/Monster hits - right now, at least in my part of the US, there's more demand for ASP.NET developers than PHP.

And if you learn .NET 4.0, you get the whole Microsoft AJAX framework and the associated toolkit out of the box.

Choosing .NET will open many more doors to you since the same framework can be used for developing desktop applications, Silverlight, Windows Phone application, games (XNA, even for XBox) etc.

As pure web technologies there isn't a correct answer in this long lasting battle of beliefs :)