尝试将数据插入mySQL数据时T_OBJECT_OPERATOR [关闭]

尝试将数据插入mySQL数据时T_OBJECT_OPERATOR [关闭]


trying to input code into the sqldatabase...what am i missing in here? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR

$name = "";
$email = "";
$msg_to_user = "";
if ($_POST['name'] != "") {


    // Be sure to filter this data to deter SQL injection, filter before querying database
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE email='$email'";
    $sql = mysqli_query($myConnection,$sqlCommand);
    $numRows = mysqli_num_rows($sql);
        if (!$email) {

        $msg_to_user = '<br /><br /><h4><font color="FF0000">Please type an email address ' . $name . '.</font></h4>';
    } else if ($numRows > 0) {
        $msg_to_user = '<br /><br /><h4><font color="FF0000">' . $email . ' is already in the system.</font></h4>';

    } else {
        $sqlCommand="INSERT INTO newsletter (name, email, dateTime)                                                     VALUES(?,?,NOW() )";
$stmt= $myConnection->prepare($sqlCommand);
    $msg_to_user = '<br /><br /><h4><font color="0066FF">Thanks ' . $name . ', you have been added successfully.</font></h4>';
        $name = "";
        $email = "";

尝试将代码输入sqldatabase ...我在这里缺少什么? 解析错误:语法错误, 意外的T_OBJECT_OPERATOR p>

 $ name =“”; 
 $ email =“”; 
 $ msg_to_user =“”; 
if($ _POST [  'name']!=“”){
 require_once(“storescripts / connect_to_mysqli.php”); 
 $ name  = $ _POST ['name']; 
 $ email = $ _POST ['email']; 
 $ sqlCommand =“SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE email ='$ email'”; 
 $ sql = mysqli_query($ myConnection  ,$ sqlCommand); 
 $ numRows = mysqli_num_rows($ sql); 
 if(!$ email){
 $ msg_to_user ='&lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt;&lt; h4&gt;&lt;  ; font color =“FF0000”&gt;请输入电子邮件地址'。  $ name。  '。&lt; / font&gt;&lt; / h4&gt;'; 
} else if($ numRows&gt; 0){
 $ msg_to_user ='&lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt;&lt; h4&gt;&lt;  ; font color =“FF0000”&gt;'  。  $ email。  '已经在系统中。&lt; / font&gt;&lt; / h4&gt;'; 
 $ sqlCommand =“INSERT INTO newsletter(name,email,dateTime)VALUES(?,?,NOW(  ))“; 
 $ stmt = $ myConnection-&gt; prepare($ sqlCommand); 
 $ stmt =  - &gt; bind_param('ss',$ name,$ email); 
 $ stmt-&gt; execute(  ); 
 $ msg_to_user ='&lt; br /&gt;&lt; br /&gt;&lt; h4&gt;&lt; font color =“0066FF”&gt;谢谢'。  $ name。  ',您已成功添加。&lt; / font&gt;&lt; / h4&gt;'; 
 $ name =“”; 
 $ email =“”; 

You have this code:


It should be this:


Further (unrelated) advice: