在 Windows 10 上为 python 3.6.1 安装 pygtk

在 Windows 10 上为 python 3.6.1 安装 pygtk


由于 PIL.ImageGrab() 给了我一些问题,我进一步阅读了该主题,似乎 gtk 是制作屏幕截图的更好解决方案.但我不明白哪些包实际有效,哪些已弃用.尝试

Since PIL.ImageGrab() gave me some problems, I read further into the topic and it seems that gtk is the better solution for making Screenshots. But I don't understand which packages are actually working and which are deprecated. trying

pip install pygtk


ERROR: Could not import dsextras module: Make sure you have installed pygobject.

pygobject 不存在,安装 gobject 没有帮助.

pygobject doesn't exist, installing gobject doesn't help.

我尝试了模块名称的一些变体,例如 python3- 或在最后只是 3,但我似乎没有找到正确的.

I tried some variants of the module name like python3- or just 3 at the end, but I don't seem to get the right one.

关于此的完整聊天会话在这里.可以在此处阅读原始解决方案,尤其是@cdarke 的评论.

The full chat session about this is here. The original solution can be read here, especially the comment made by @cdarke.

无论如何,解决方案是使用 Python3.5 intead 3.6 或更高版本,至少在 MSYS2 更新之前.

So anyway, the solution is to use Python3.5 intead of 3.6 or newer, at least until MSYS2 is updated.

作为旁注,您真的不想使用 pygtk(基于 Gtk2).像这样使用 pygobject:

As a sidenote, you really don't want to use pygtk (which is based on Gtk2). Use pygobject like such:

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk