尝试使用JQuery从PHP JSON多维数组中获取数据的问题


I have a multidimensional array which, when echoed in PHP, looks like this:

}// etc.

As you can see, the date is the key to the arrays inside the multidimensional array. So I can select an array from the multidimensional array using the date as the key:



$.getJSON('file.php', function(data){
    var test='11-12-29';

When I test that in a browser, nothing is printed on the screen. Also, how would I go about looping through the whole of that array in jQuery and use the data inside that array's array.

I've been at this for hours now, and am pretty frustrated.

我有一个多维数组,当在PHP中回显时,它看起来像这样: p>

“11-12-21”:{“visits”:0,“pageviews”  :0} 
} //等等
  code>  pre> 

如您所见,日期是多维数组中数组的关键。 所以我可以使用日期作为键从多维数组中选择一个数组: p>

  $ my_multi_array ['12 -12-12']; 


 var test = '11 -12  -29'; 
  code>  pre> 

当我在浏览器中测试时,没有任何内容打印在 屏幕。 另外,我如何在jQuery中循环遍历整个数组并使用该数组的数组中的数据。 p>

我已经在这里工作了好几个小时了,我很沮丧 。 p> div>

The PHP output that you have echoed is not an array, it's a JSON object without comma separators, which means it's not correctly formed.

If you correct the syntax, you can access the objects in data through the index notation ([]), not the dot operator (.). So instead of accessing data like data.test, you should try data[test].

Assuming you name your JSON object myJson, here's how you can iterate thought it:

var myJson = {

for (var item in myJson)
    alert(myJson[item].visits + ", " + myJson[item].pageviews);

Use data[test]. Your data.test is equal to data["test"], and there is no "test" property in your object.