


I am trying to work out how to access data in an essentially multidimensional JSON array.

我的jQuery AJAX请求如下所示:

My jQuery AJAX request looks like this:

 $("#login-form").submit(function(e) {
   type: 'POST',
   url: '/ajax/login',
   data: 'email='+$("#email").val()+'&password='+$("#password").val(),
   success: function(data){

     // FIRE ALERT HERE        

     dataType: 'json'


This is what i am getting back. User account details, plus a list of products they have against their account.

    "Full_name":"Joe Bloggs",
    "street":"1 Street Ave",


As you can see, i am alerting the first name, which is fine. I can access everything in the first dimension by using data.key but i'm not sure how then i need to index the next dimension. Obviously I would like to display each of the products somehow.



Inside your success function you can treat the JSON data as a JavaScript object. You can access the product array and objects inside it like this:

console.log(data.products + " product(s) in data"); // data.products is 2 (integer)
for(var i = 0; i < data.products; i++) {            // 
    var product = data[i.toString()];               // 0.toString() is "0"
                                                    // data["0"] is what you want
                                                    // now product points to the property "0"
    console.log(product.product_no);                // so you can use product.xxx
                                                    // or product["xxx"]
}                                                   // likewise for "1", "2", "3" and so on

alert console.log / code>如果你不知道什么是控制台。

Replace console.log with alert if you do not know what console is.