循环遍历php数组并在指定位置插入key => value


I have this array:

    {"key": 1, "title": "Animalia", "expanded": true, "folder": true, "children": [
        {"key": 2, "title": "Chordate", "folder": true, "children": [
            {"key": 3, "title": "Mammal", "children": [
                {"key": 4, "title": "Primate", "children": [
                    {"key": 5, "title": "Primate", "children": [
                    {"key": 6, "title": "Carnivora", "children": [
                {"key": 7, "title": "Carnivora", "children": [
                    {"key": 8, "title": "Felidae"}

I want to loop trough the array and when the "key" equals a specified number (let's say 5) I want to insert a "selected": true key=>value

Is there such a possibility?

我有这个数组: p>

 {“  key“:1,”title“:”Animalia“,”expanded“:true,”folder“:true,”children“:[
 {”key“:2,”title“:”Chordate“,”folder“  :true,“children”:[
 {“key”:4,“title”:“Primate”,“children”  :[
 {“key”:6,“title”:“Carnivora”,“children”:  [
 {“key”:8,“title”:“Felidae”} \  n]} 

我想通过数组循环,当“键”等于 指定的数字(比方说5)我想插入一个“已选择”:true key => value p>

是否存在这种可能性? p> div>

Well just make your JSON string to a valid PHP array with $myArray = json_decode(JSONString)

Then you could access the point you want like array_push($myArray[0]["1"], "myValue")

I will need the exact position where you want to add which type of value to give you a better hint... :-)

Edited with working code

You have to do a recursive search over your JSON structure, to find your value and to set the Value you need... I wrote you a short php function that does that trick...

As you see, the function takes to params and gives you back the ready php array for further use of it... Just call it like descriped below....

Usage Example

$myArray = json_decode($myJSON, true);
$myArray = setSelectedForKey($myArray, "6");

Following the function you need:

function setSelectedForKey($searchArray, $searchKey) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($searchArray); $i++) {
            if ($searchArray[$i]["key"] == $searchKey) {
                $searchArray[$i]["selected"] = true;
            } else {
                if (is_array($searchArray[$i]["children"])) {
                    $searchArray[$i]["children"] = setSelectedForKey($searchArray[$i]["children"], $searchKey);
        return $searchArray;