使用Facebook Graph API获取用户的朋友列表

使用Facebook Graph API获取用户的朋友列表



I need to get a hold of a user of my app's list of friends to filter the users that show up in a friend picker. I know I can call the following and get the list:



I tried it out in the address bar with my own account and it seems to work exactly as I need it to. Problem is, I don't know how to make use of it in a js file itself. I tried calling it and getting the data out with a jquery call but it doesn't seem to return anything helpful.

    {access_token: <access_token>},
    function(data){ document.write("Data Loaded: " + data);});


How should I be calling this in my js files and then actually make use of the information? Thanks.

更新:根据 / me / friends 将会返回 strong> app friends 。

UPDATE: As per the changes introduced in V2.0, /me/friends will return app friends only.

正确的方法是使用 Facebook Javascript-SDK ,如下所示:

The right way to do that is by using the Facebook Javascript-SDK, something like this:

function getFriends() {
    FB.api('/me/friends', function(response) {
        if(response.data) {
            $.each(response.data,function(index,friend) {
                alert(friend.name + ' has id:' + friend.id);
        } else {


  1. 我也在这里使用jQuery

  2. 在调用此功能之前,您可能需要检查用户是否已连接。