使用sharepoint 2013中的REST API从外部列表中获取数据


我正在尝试使用SharePoint 2013中的REST API从外部列表中获取列表项。下面是外部URL:

http:// mrutyunjaya / _layouts / 15 / start.aspx#/ Lists / Tool%20Max%20Time / Read%20List.aspx

我正在尝试使用REST API从此列表中检索数据。下面是到目前为止编写的代码:

I am trying get list items from an external list using REST API in SharePoint 2013. Below is the external URL:


I am trying to retrieve data from this list using REST API. Below is the code written so far:

var app = angular.module('EatonScanningApp');

app.factory("EatonScanningFactory", ['$http', function($http) {
	var EatonScanningFactoryObj = {};

EatonScanningFactoryObj.GetToolMaxTimeList = function () {
	    return $http({

	        method: 'GET',

	        url: "http://psmi-dev3/_api/lists/getbytitle('Tool%20Max%20Time')/items",

	        headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }



我正在尝试访问上述休息服务下面的代码,但我无法获得存储在$ scope.list中的外部列表长度的正确输出,如下所示:


I am trying to access the above rest service in the below code but I am unable to get proper output for the length of the external list which is stored into $scope.list as shown below:

$scope.list = EatonScanningFactory.GetToolMaxTimeList();




Please help

What I have tried:

var app = angular.module('EatonScanningApp');

app.factory("EatonScanningFactory", ['$http', function($http) {
	var EatonScanningFactoryObj = {};

EatonScanningFactoryObj.GetToolMaxTimeList = function () {
	    return $http({

	        method: 'GET',

	        url: "http://psmi-dev3/_api/lists/getbytitle('Tool%20Max%20Time')/items",

	        headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }




http', function


var EatonScanningFactoryObj = {};
http) { var EatonScanningFactoryObj = {};

EatonScanningFactoryObj.GetToolMaxTimeList = function () {


method:' GET'

url: http:// psmi-dev3 / _api / lists / getbytitle('Tool%20Max%20Time')/ items

header :{ 接受 application / json; odata = verbose}

http({ method: 'GET', url: "http://psmi-dev3/_api/lists/getbytitle('Tool%20Max%20Time')/items", headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" } }); }




I am trying to access the above rest service in the below code but I am unable to get proper output for the length of the external list which is stored into