使用facebook api来获取朋友列表

使用facebook api来获取朋友列表


我有以下命令,将允许我在登录的用户上发布消息facebook wall:

I have the following command which will allow me to post a message on the logged in users facebook wall:

$facebook->api("/$uid/feed", "POST",  array('message' => 'Hello! I\'m using the FB Graph API!'));

ie。使用url https://graph.facebook.com/<user id到这里> / feed

i.e. using the url https://graph.facebook.com/<user id goes here>/feed


But what command do I need to enter to get a list of the logged in users friends?

我需要使用的URL是 https: /graph.facebook.com/me/friends ,但我不知道如何编辑以下命令来获取朋友列表:

The url I need to use is https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends, but I am not sure how to edit the below command to get the friends list:

$facebook->api("/$uid/feed", "POST",  array('message' => 'Hello! I\'m using the FB Graph API!'));

$ b

am I supposed to do something like this (which is a complete guess)

$facebook->api("/$uid/friends", "GET",  array('access_token' => 'token value goes here'));


Or am I supposed to do something else to get the friends list?


If you have a valid session, then this should retrieve the current user's friends:

$friends = $facebook->api("/me/friends")

但是,如果您没有有效的会话(或需要离线检索),则需要 offline_access 权限,您的代码也可以正常工作。


自从 offline_access 权限,您需要长寿命 access_token

But if you don't have a valid session (or need to retrieve this offline) you need the offline_access permission and your code will also work.
Since the deprication of the offline_access permission, you need a long-lived access_token.


Please note that you can get the friends list with this FQL query too:

$friends = $facebook->api(array(
    "method"    => "fql.query",
    "query"     => "SELECT uid,name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())"