学习札记-cookie RFC2965

学习笔记--cookie RFC2965
RFC2965 写道
A user agent rejects (SHALL NOT store its information) if the Version
attribute is missing. Moreover, a user agent rejects (SHALL NOT
store its information) if any of the following is true of the
attributes explicitly present in the Set-Cookie2 response header:

* The value for the Path attribute is not a prefix of the

* The value for the Domain attribute contains no embedded dots,
and the value is not .local.

* The effective host name that derives from the request-host does
not domain-match the Domain attribute.

* The request-host is a HDN (not IP address) and has the form HD,
where D is the value of the Domain attribute, and H is a string
that contains one or more dots.

* The Port attribute has a "port-list", and the request-port was
not in the list.



1.请求的url为http://hitdujuan.iteye.com/blog/bb/aa.htm, request-uri为/blog/bb/aa.htm而set-cookie中,设置的path只要是不是/blog或/blog/bb,就会被拒绝。

2.请求的url为http://hitdujuan,设置的domain为hitdujuan set-cookie会被拒绝; 或是请求的url为http://iteye.com 设置的domain为.com 会被拒绝;如果请求的url为http://hitdujuan.local,设置的domain为.local,会接受;

3.请求的url为http://hitdujuan.iteye.com/blog 设置的domain为abc.com会被拒绝;

4.请求的url为http://blog.hitdujuan.iteye.com 设置的domain为iteye.com,会被拒绝;

5.请求的url为http://hitdujuan.iteye.com:9999,而set-cookie中有Port:80 则会被拒绝;





关于request-uri request-url:



URI和路径之间除了URL编码区别外,等式requestURI = contextPath + servletPath + pathInfo是成立的,这里指的是在servlet中适用的约定,譬如这里的requestURI不包括查询字符串参数,而实际IETF文档中URL是可以有查询参数的。HttpServletRequest提供如下API去获取requestURI和requestURL:
getRequestURI() :返回请求URL中从主机名到查询字符串之间的部分(servlet specification的说法是返回HTTP请求的第一行请求URL中从协议名称到查询字串的那部分)。例如:

First line of HTTP request                     Returned Value

POST /some/path.html HTTP/1.1          /some/path.html
GET http://foo.bar/a.html HTTP/1.0      /a.html
HEAD /xyz?a=b HTTP/1.1                     /xyz
