尝试使用php [duplicate]从phpmyadmin中存储的数据库中选择数据时出错

尝试使用php [duplicate]从phpmyadmin中存储的数据库中选择数据时出错


Can someone please show me where is the error in this code because i'm trying to selct data from a database i've created in phpmyadmin but the output is:Notice: Undefined variable: POST in C:\xampp\htdocs\php\browsestudents.php on line 25. The database works correctly.This is my code:

    <title>Online Jobs 


<form action="browsestudents.php" method="POST">
print("Kerko studentet ne varesi te pozicionit te aplikuar te punes:
    <form><select name='position'>
<option value='it'>IT</option>
<option value='a'>a</option>
<option value='b'>b</option>
        <input type='submit' value='Search'/>

if( !($database=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""))||!(mysql_select_db("st_login",$database))  )
   print("Could not connect");

$query="SELECT `firstname`,`lastname`,`cv`,`position` /*shto listene notave ne fund*/
FROM `login`
 WHERE `position`='$position' /*AND food LIKE 'P%' */
 ORDER BY `id`";


    if(mysql_num_rows($result)==NULL){//nr i rreshtave te query qe kemi kerkuar esht NULL
echo"no result found";

    while($query_row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result))//krijon nje vektor 
    //query_row te cilit i asocion te dhenat e query
$firstname=$query_row["firstname"];//query_row esht vektor associativ qe i vendoset vlera e food
echo $firstname."<br/> Here is his cv".$cv."and position".$position;

    echo mysql_error();




On line 25 you have $POST instead of $_POST which would be the correct way.


There should be an underscore _ between $ and POST.

Learn yourself to read the errors. Notice: Undefined variable: POST in ... on line 25. So go to line 25 and try to find out what's wrong...