

hi everyone i have table in the database from where i fetch data one column of table has user input n i fetch the data on the basis of user input like if user enter 2 in the textbox only that rows that contain number 2 will display like code of insertion on the basis of no of room

    echo $d;
      //database connection
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ems",'root','');
    $sql = "INSERT INTO table1 (c,c1, c2, c3, c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13) VALUES ('',:c1, :c2, :c3, :c4,:c5, :c6, :c7, :c8, :c9,:c10, :c11, :c12,'$d')";
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    foreach ($data_t1 as $i => $value) {
    } ?>

coding for fetchng the data

    $sa="select * from table1 where c13='$d'";
    $result=mysql_query($sa) or die(mysql_error());
    echo "<table border='1'>


    $i = 1;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
       echo ${"r" . $i . "1"} = $row['c'];
      echo  ${"r" . $i . "2"} = $row['c1'] ;
       echo ${"r" . $i . "3"} = $row['c2'];
       echo ${"r" . $i . "4"} = $row['c3'];
       echo ${"r" . $i . "5"} = $row['c4'];


$d=3;mean user enter 3
3 room deatils enter in three rows of table like ths

row1  2   4  5   6    3(user enter value)
row2  12  14 15   16   3(user enter value)
row3  22  44  55  63   3(user enter value)

now as i mention in my fetch query that fetch the data where c13(room)=user input($d);

result of theses above three row display

now i want to store each of theses three row values in different varaibles

in the similar manner if user enter 2 or 4 i want to store two or four rows values in different varaible

I recommand you to use Michael Sazonov's way.. but if you don't want arrays here you go:

$i = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   ${"r" . $i . "1"} = $row['c'];
   ${"r" . $i . "2"} = $row['c1'] ;
   ${"r" . $i . "3"} = $row['c2'];
   ${"r" . $i . "4"} = $row['c3'];
   ${"r" . $i . "5"} = $row['c4'];

Now The contents are stored in $r11 $r12 $r13.. $r35 and you have to echo them manually or using 2 for loops

for($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
   for($j=0; $j<=5; $j++) {
      echo ${'r'.$i.$j};


$data = array() ; //Declare an array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
  $data[] = $row ; //Add every row to array

echo $data['c4'] ; // Work with the array ETC

Of course it will display only the last row. Within each iteration over the query result you are rewriting the $r -nth variable, so the result you'll see after the loop are only the values that were assigned during the last iteration.


$row = array();
while($row[] = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

As result you will get all the data stored as an array in $row. What it does is as follows: Iterates over the query result and and fetching it. The fetching method returns an array of the current iterated row values. This array is pushed into the $row array. So, each row value could be accessed at a corresponding index of $row. Use print_r( $row ); to see the structure.

Further use of the array is as follows:

echo $row[ 0 ][ 'c1' ];
echo $row[ 0 ][ 'c2' ];
echo $row[ 1 ][ 'c3' ];

If you want to show the input depending on a dynamical rows amount, use this:

$count = count( $row );
for( $i = 0 ; $i < $count; $i++ ){
    echo $row[ $i ][ 'c1' ];