【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save. 6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file. 7. Let's test it

All these plugins you can install by package controller.

1.First install pluin  "SASS" 

        It provide syntax highlighting and tab/code completion for Sass and SCSS files

2. Install pluin "SublimeOnSaveBuild"

        It can trigger a build on each save. It just trigger the ".sublime-build" file to make it. So all we need to do is to edit the ".sublime-build" in SASS and coffee.
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it
        Add "coffee" and make sure "build_on_save" is "1" which means open. 
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it

3. Edit the SASS build file

【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it
        Edit your ruby and sass path.
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it

4. Let's test it.

        Create a new file "test.scss" and write some code. It will compile the scss file into css file when save. Also you can press F7 or "ctrl + b"
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it

5. Install plugin "CodeFormatter" to format 

  • PHP - By PEAR PHP_Beautifier
  • JavaScript/JSON/JSONP - By JSBeautifier
  • HTML - By JSBeautifier
  • CSS - By JSBeautifier
  • Python - By PythonTidy (only ST2)
Default shotcut "Control+Shift+P"
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it


    "path": "$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH",
    "cmd": ["coffee","-c","$file"],
    "file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.coffee"
For Mac


    "cmd": ["coffee", "$file"],

    "selector" : "source.coffee",

    "path" : "/usr/local/bin"

For Windows


   "cmd": ["coffee.cmd","-c","$file"],

    "selector": "source.coffee"



7. Let's test it

         Create a new file "test.coffee" and write some code. It will compile the coffee file into js file when save. Also you can press F7 or "ctrl + b"
【sublime】Compile SASS and CoffeeScript file when save.
6.Edit the CoffeeScript build file.
7. Let's test it

≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡★ From Laker's blog ★≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

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