【Jekyll】Github Pages + Jekyll to set a web

Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby http://jekyllrb.com

1. Install ruby.

Dont install ruby 2.0, it cant install jekyll. Use ruby 1.9, I tried ,it worked well.
And add the ruby path like(in win):



2. If you use window , install devkit


(1).Open and extract the files

(2).Cd to you devkit root, init

ruby dk.rb init

(3). Modify your devkit config.yml

Add you ruby installed file location
【Jekyll】Github Pages + Jekyll to set a web

(4). Install

ruby dk.rb install


ruby -version

3. Install jekyll


gem install jekyll


jekyll --version

4.Dowload your github repository

Befor this, please sea my this blog to set up a github page.

5.Delete useless files, test this jekyll-bootstrap demo template

Extract the files to you repository directory.
like this:
【Jekyll】Github Pages + Jekyll to set a web

6.Open the jekyll sever in your repository

jekyll server

【Jekyll】Github Pages + Jekyll to set a web

PS: In some articles , it's  "jekyll --server", Because it is old jekyll. The new jekyll is "jekyll --server"
See more infomation in http://jekyllrb.com/docs/usage/
Open http://localhost:4000/ in browser
【Jekyll】Github Pages + Jekyll to set a web

7.Push it to you githubm then a simple web is compelete.


(1). Learn Markdown (or Textile),
(2). Learn Liquid 
(3). Learn the templates of in jekyll http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/



≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡★ From Laker's blog ★≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

¤ ╭⌒╮☀Coding and changing~☀ ╭╭ ⌒╮

✪Fighting and insisting~✪