Cloud Firestore规定正确的语法


我需要为Cloud Firestore编写规则.

I need to write rules for Cloud Firestore.


I want my rules to allow the creation of a new document in a collection:

newDoc(field1="value-1", field2="value-2", field3="other-miscellaneous-values")


only if no other document already exists in the collection with:

(field1 == "value-1") and (field2 == "value-2")


Though this is not very complicated, it seems still too complex to be found as an example in any tutorial that I found searching the net.


Beside, the user should be free to list and read all the documents in the collection if she/he wishes.


Here is what I have tried, but it does not work:

service cloud.firestore {
  function alreadyExists(document) {
              return exists((

  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /My_Collection/{anything=**} {
      allow read;
      allow write: if !(alreadyExists(;


I hope someone can give me some advice to get it working.


Security rules can only check if a document at a certain path exists (with exists). There is no way to check if a document with a certain value exists in rules.


My typical solution for your use-case would be to use the combination of fields that you want to be unique as the ID of the document. Since document IDs are by definition unique in a given collection, that ensures that your combination of keys is unique in that same collection.


If you already have an ID strategy that you can't change, consider adding a secondary collection to contain the unique combinations, as shown in my answer here: Prevent duplicate entries in Firestore rules not working.