关于Cloud Firestore中的查询


我正在使用Flutter对Cloud Firestore进行一些研究.目前,我正在调查Cloud Firestore中的查询.在下面给出的数据库屏幕快照中,我对如何查询有一个基本的了解:

I'm doing some research on cloud firestore using flutter. Currently I'm looking into querying in cloud firestore. I got a basic idea of how to query like say in the screenshot of the database given below :

第二(Some Dumb Shit)和第三(Some Good Shit)项目属于硬件"领域. .....因此,如果我想根据其领域搜索项目......我会做这样的事情:

The 2nd (Some Dumb Shit) and 3rd (Some Good Shit) projects belong to the field "Hardware" ..... So if I want to search a project with respect to its field ..... I'll do something like this :

databaseReference.collection("Projects").where("Field",isEqualTo: "Hardware")

但是要说我是否要根据成员的名称搜索项目(请参阅上面的屏幕截图.....我需要搜索名称为"Sarvesh Dalvi"的项目,其中包含"Sarvesh Dalvi".成员"字段).在这种情况下,我应该如何编写查询.

But say if I want to search projects based on the name of the members ( Referring to the screenshot above ..... I need to search of a project where a name "Sarvesh Dalvi" is present inside the "Members" field). How am I supposed to write a query in this case.


名称("Sarvesh Dalvi")出现在此层次结构中: DocumentID(例如:"Some Dumb Shit")/Array("Members")/Map({ Name:__ ,MemberRef:__});

Name ("Sarvesh Dalvi") is present inside this heirarchy : DocumentID(eg : "Some Dumb Shit") / Array("Members") / Map({Name : __ , MemberRef :__});




I learned how to access an array by doing something like this :

Future<dynamic> getUserProjectFromDatabase(String username)
    return databaseReference.collection("Projects").where("Members",arrayContains: {"Name" : username}).getDocuments().then((value){
      value.documents.forEach((element) {print(element.data);});


But this works if the Map only contains :

{"Name" : username};


But in my case my Map is something like this :

"Name" : username,
"MemberRef" : /*Reference to a Document*/


[Refer to the screenshot posted above]


I only want to query for the Name inside the map and not the MemberRef...... so how can I query something like :

Future<dynamic> getUserProjectFromDatabase(String username)
    return databaseReference.collection("Projects").where("Members",arrayContains: {"Name" : username,"MemberRef" : /* can be anything */}).getDocuments().then((value){
      value.documents.forEach((element) {print(element.data);});


There is no way to query for just the member name in your current data structure.


  1. 如果您还知道该成员的MemberRef,则可以

  1. If you also know the MemberRef for the member, you can query with array-contains: where('Members', arrayContains: {'Name':'New User','MemberRef':'value of memberref'}). This works because array-contains can check if the array contains the complete value that you specify.

如果您不知道MemberRef子字段,则需要更改数据模型以允许查询.我通常建议创建一个仅包含成员名称的附加字段:MemberNames: ["New User", "Sarvesh Dalvi"].然后,您可以使用相同的array-contains运算符,但是现在在此新字段上使用简单类型:where('MemberNames', arrayContains: 'New User').

If you don't know the MemberRef subbfield, then you'll need to change your data model to allow the query. I typically recommend creating an additional field with just the member names: MemberNames: ["New User", "Sarvesh Dalvi"]. Then you can use the same array-contains operator, but now on this new field with the simple type: where('MemberNames', arrayContains: 'New User').