

在bokeh示例中 http ://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/interaction/callbacks.html#customjs-for-hover 通过在代码块的末尾添加字典,将字典"links"传递给JS: ....

In the bokeh example http://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/interaction/callbacks.html#customjs-for-hover the dictonary "links" is passed to the JS by adding it at the end of the code block with: ....

""" % links

是否可以传递两个变量,语法是什么样的? 我尝试过类似的版本

Is it possible to pass over two variables and what would the syntax look like? I tried different versions like

""" % links,myvar
""" % ('links','myvar')
""" % links, % myvar

,但是它们全都产生错误或不起作用. 我也发现了这个 Bokeh:将vars传递给CustomJS for Widgets 但也许有更新? 谢谢

but they all create errors or do not work. I also found this Bokeh: pass vars to CustomJS for Widgets but perhaps there is an update? Thx


I'd suggest looking into general python string formatting (there isn't anything Bokeh-specific within that example).


JS_CODE = """
var variable_1 = %s
var variable_2 = %s
""" % (var1, var2)

JS_CODE = """
var variable_1 = {0}
var variable_2 = {1}
""".format(var1, var2)


JS_CODE = """
var list_variable = %s

docs: https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#formatexamples