Kotlin/Android Studio-如何将变量从替代乐趣传递到应用程序的其余部分?



I have looked around a bit, and have found no good answer to my problem. On my app, I've got a timer. This timer stops on a click, and I would like to calculate a score based on the time left. I can use the "millisUntilFinished" to calculate the score, but I can't reused the score variable in my app. Could you please help me with the correct / best way to do this ? Below, my code:

var score: Long

        val timer = object : CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) {
        override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long)  {
            timer.setText("" + millisUntilFinished / 1000)
              score = millisUntilFinished / 1000
            override fun onFinish() {


When I try to use it later in my app, I get a "Variable 'score' must be initialized." I've tried quite a few things but every time I end up not being able to reuse a variable initialized in an override fun.


您可以将其定义为lateinit var或应该对其进行初始化.

You may define it as lateinit var or you should initialize it.

lateinit var score: Long

        val timer = object : CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) {
        override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long)  {
            timer.setText("" + millisUntilFinished / 1000)
              score = millisUntilFinished / 1000
            override fun onFinish() {

请注意,lateinit是在类中定义的,而不是在函数中定义的. 或者,您可以使用以下方法:

Note that lateinit defines in class not in function. Or you can use this:

var score=0.toLong()

        val timer = object : CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) {
        override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long)  {
            timer.setText("" + millisUntilFinished / 1000)
              score = millisUntilFinished / 1000
            override fun onFinish() {