

我正在寻找创建一个连接到sql server的adp。我想使用访问来轻松创建表单,以减少必须开发完整的.Net界面。我知道我需要的一个功能是用户能够点击
一个按钮,允许他们创建另一个文本字段。因此,如果需要,他们可以进入1名以上的员工。现在我还需要做的是,如果他们添加了超过1名员工,它需要在sql DB中生成那么多的记录。例如,如果他们
点击表单上的添加员工按钮3次,他们将有3名员工,因此我希望它在sql DB中创建3条记录。这是一个调查前端。因此,员工可能有超过1次违规行为,因此如果他们有b $ b 3违规行为,则需要创建3条记录。有人能让我开始研究如何做到这一点。谢谢你

I'm looking to create an adp that connects to sql server. I'd like to use access to easily create the forms to cut down on having to develop a full fledge .Net interface. One feature that I know I'm going to need is the ability for the user to click on a button that will allow them to create another text field. so they can enter in more than 1 employee if need be. Now what I also need to do is if they add more than 1 employee, it needs to generate that amount of records in the sql DB. for instance if they click the add employee button on the form 3 times they will have 3 employees therfore I would like it to create 3 records in the sql DB. This is form an investigation front end. so an employee might have have more than 1 violation against them so if they have 3 violations , 3 records need to be created. Can someone get me started on how this would be done. Thank You

第一,我会问你使用什么版本的Access,因为A2007 ADP被弃用(淘汰)。我猜你正在使用Access 2003或更早版本。
1st I would ask what version of Access are you using because since A2007 ADP's are being deprecated (phased out). I am guessing then you are using Access 2003 or older.