


I have a template struct that takes as parameters the type of a method and the pointer to a method and wraps it in a C-like function:

template <typename T, T> struct proxy;

template <typename T, typename R, typename ...Args, R (T::* mf)(Args...)>
struct proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), mf>
    static R call(T& obj, Args&&... args)
        return (obj.*mf)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

proxy 结构可在预期的简单场景中工作,例如:

The proxy struct works in simple scenarios as expected, eg:

struct Foo
    int foo(int x)
        return x + 1;

Foo f;
proxy<int(Foo::*)(int), &Foo::foo>::call(f, 10);

问题是当我在可能展开为以下内容的宏中使用 proxy 时:

The problem is when I use proxy inside macros that may unroll into:

proxy<decltype((int(Foo::*)(int))(&Foo::foo)), (int(Foo::*)(int))(&Foo::foo)>::call(f, 10);

clang 中,错误是:

error: non-type template argument is not a pointer to member constant
proxy<decltype((int(Foo::*)(int))(&Foo::foo)), (int(Foo::*)(int))(&Foo::foo)>::call(f, 10);

另一方面,GCC 4.8未报告任何错误,并且一切正常。

On the other hand GCC 4.8 is not reporting any error and everything works as expected.


  1. 是否有解决clang错误的方法,并且

  2. 这是我应该报告的clang错误吗?


Your macro generates standards non-compliant code. In particular, a cast is not allowed in a in a non-type method pointer template argument. It is also redundant in this case.


So the easiest way to fix this is to change the macro:

#define WORKING_LUA_METHOD_FLAGS(name_, methodType_, methodPtr_, flags_) \
  (&proxy<methodType_, methodPtr_>::func), flags_)


ANKI_LUA_METHOD_FLAGS( "bob", (int(Foo::*)(int))(&Foo::foo), empty_flags )


WORKING_LUA_METHOD_FLAGS( "bob", int(Foo:::*)(int), &Foo::foo, empty_flags )

,现在按照标准是正确的。注意 bob empty_flags 只是占位符。

and now it is correct according to the standard. Note "bob" and empty_flags are just placeholders for whatever really goes there. The name replacement may or may not be required.