如何将本地SharePoint解决方案部署到Office 365 SharePoint


how to deploy a on- premises SharePoint solution to the office 365 SharePoint,


how to capture when an List item is changed, write the logic based on the changed List record.


您所说的解决方案"是什么意思? ?如果是wsp,我将需要将您的逻辑转换为在线可用的工具之一(SharePoint Designer,Flow,Addins,SharePoint Framework)

What do you mean by "solution" ? if it's a wsp, I will need to convert you logic to one of the tools available online (SharePoint Designer,Flow,Addins,SharePoint Framework)

可以使用流或SharePoint Designer工作流来监听onchange事件(但如果可以,请忘记SPD)

Listen the onchange event can be done with flow or SharePoint Designer workflow (but if you can, forget SPD)