如何将本地SharePoint解决方案部署到Office 365 SharePoint,


如何将内部SharePoint解决方案部署到Office 365 SharePoint,

how to deploy a on- premises SharePoint solution to the office 365 SharePoint,


how to capture when an List item is changed, write the logic based on the changed List record.

在谈论基于代码的本地解决方案时,如果不完全重写它,就无法将其部署到Office 365.

If you are talking about a code based on-premises solution then there is no way to deploy that to Office 365 without completely re-writing it.

如何重写它取决于当前解决方案的工作.  您描述的内容听起来像是工作流程(可能带有对自定义天蓝色代码的REST调用)或远程事件接收器.

How you rewrite it will depend on what the solution currently does.   What you describe sounds like either a workflow (potentially with REST calls to custom azure code) or a remote event receiver.