

我已阅读此文章中提到Firestore已启动Stackdriver(处于beta版),因此我们可以近乎实时地监视Cloud Firestore的读取,写入和删除操作,但是我可以在Firebase控制台中找到它吗?

I've read in this article that Firestore has launched Stackdriver (in beta) so we can monitor Cloud Firestore read, write and delete operations in near-real time but where can I find it in Firebase console?

您必须转到Google Cloud Console,而不要转到Firebase控制台.

You have to go to the Google Cloud Console and not to the Firebase console.

URL为 https://console.cloud.google.com/home /dashboard?project = xxxxxx

您将在其中找到有关Stackdriver的一组垂直菜单项.您应该使用 Monitoring (监视)菜单项打开Stackdriver控制台.

There you will find a set of vertical menu items about Stackdriver. You should use the Monitoring menu item to open the Stackdriver console.


Then once in the Stackdriver console, you should open the Resources menu and create a new Metric for your Firestore instance, as shown below:

顺便说一句,道格·史蒂文森(Doug Stevenson)最近发表了几篇文章,其中涉及(其中包括)两个控制台之间的某些链接/差异: https://medium.com/google-developers/whats-the-relationship-between-firebase-and-google-cloud-57e268a7ff6f

BTW, Doug Stevenson has recently published a couple of posts which cover (among others) some of the link/differences between the two consoles: https://medium.com/google-developers/firebase-google-cloud-whats-different-with-cloud-functions-612d9e1e89cb and https://medium.com/google-developers/whats-the-relationship-between-firebase-and-google-cloud-57e268a7ff6f