在哪里可以找到Windows API常量的列表,在一个无.NET环境中



I would like to find the values of some of windows API constants, such as, but not limited to LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW & WM_SHOWWINDOW

查看网络导致我 MSDN ,它告诉我他们是用于什么,但不是基础值。

Looking on the net lead me to MSDN which tells me what they are used for, but not the underlying values.

*有一个非常相似的问题,我在哪里可以找到Windows API常量的列表,但是所有的答案都是.net,或者假设我有Windows SDK,据我所知,我没有。

There is a very similar question on *, Where can I find a list of windows API constants, but all the answers are for .net, or assume that I have the Windows SDK, that as far as I know I don't have.


So where can I find them?

如果它有所不同,我使用的是Delphi 2007,虽然它在消息单元中有很多内容,但并不具备所有的内容,包括一些最新的。

If it makes a difference I am using Delphi 2007, and although it has a lot of the contents in the Messages unit, it does not have all of them, including some of the newest ones.


SDK ,并使用头文件(所有.h文件)进行搜索您最喜欢的全文搜索工具。

Download the SDK and search the header files (all the .h files) using your favorite full-text search tool.

Pinvoke.net 可以服务于一个小的(常量),但不一定有一切。

Pinvoke.net can serve in a pinch (Constants) but doesn't necessarily have everything.


The message values are constant across all development environments.