如何使用PHP XML Dom中的属性值删除特定节点?


删除具有特定属性的小孩,在SimpleXML for PHP中

My question is best phrase as: Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP


except I'm not using simpleXML.


I'm new to XML for PHP so I may not be doing the best way

我有一个使用$ dom- >为每个用户保存($ xml)。 (由于未公开的原因,不会将其全部放在一个xml中)

I have a xml created using the $dom->save($xml) for each individual user. (not placing all in one xml due to undisclosed reasons)

它给了我xml声明<?xml version =1.0?&gt ; (不知道如何使其他人,但这不是重点,希望)

It gives me that xml declaration <?xml version="1.0"?> (no idea how to make it to others, but that's not the point, hopefully)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <data1>some data</data1>
 <data2>some data</data2>
 <data3>some data</data3>
 <category id="0">
  <categoryName>Cat 1</categoryName>
  <categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
 <category id="1">
  <categoryName>Cat 2</categoryName>
  <categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
  <categorydata2>some data</categorydata2>
  <categorydata3>some data</categorydata3>
  <categorydata4>some data</categorydata4>


And I want to remove a category that has a specific attribute named id with the DOM class in php when i run a function activated from using a remove button.


the following is the debug of the function im trying to get to work. Can i know what I'm doing wrong?

function CatRemove($myXML){
        $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
        $xmlDoc->load( $myXML );
        $categoryArray = array();

        $main = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "details" )->item(0);

        $mainElement = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "details" );
        foreach($mainElement as $details){
            $currentCategory = $details->getElementsByTagName( "category" );
            foreach($currentCategory as $category){
                $categoryID = $category->getAttribute('id');
                array_push($categoryArray, $categoryID);
                if($categoryID == $_POST['categorytoremoveValue']) {
                    return $categoryArray;

        $xmlDoc->save( $myXML );

以上打印出一个[0] - > 0的数组时间,当我插槽返回外面if。

Well the above prints me an array of [0]->0 all the time when i slot the return outside the if. is there a better way? I've tried using getElementbyId as well but I've no idea how to work that.


I would prefer not to use an attribute though if that would make things easier.


Ok, let’s try this complete example of use:

function CatRemove($myXML, $id) {
    $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($xmlDoc);
    $nodeList = $xpath->query('//category[@id="'.(int)$id.'"]');
    if ($nodeList->length) {
        $node = $nodeList->item(0);

// test data
$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <data1>some data</data1>
 <data2>some data</data2>
 <data3>some data</data3>
 <category id="0">
  <categoryName>Cat 1</categoryName>
  <categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
 <category id="1">
  <categoryName>Cat 2</categoryName>
  <categorydata1>some data</categorydata1>
  <categorydata2>some data</categorydata2>
  <categorydata3>some data</categorydata3>
  <categorydata4>some data</categorydata4>
// write test data into file
file_put_contents('untitled.xml', $xml);
// remove category node with the id=1
CatRemove('untitled.xml', 1);
// dump file content
echo '<pre>', htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('untitled.xml')), '</pre>';