如何强制Visual Studio调试器跳到特定的异常?


我的客户端 - 服务器(Silverlight的)应用程序。

I have client-server (Silverlight) app.

某些服务器代码抛出,我在客户端处理异常。当我调试 - 在这些例外视觉Studion休息,我必须点击继续。这真的减慢发展。

Some server code throws exceptions that I handle on client. When I debug - Visual Studion breaks on those exceptions and I have to hit "Continue". It really slows down development.


Is there any way to skip specific exceptions or deal with this somehow?

调试菜单 - >例外(按Ctrl + Alt + E) - >查找..键入异常名称,然后取消勾选复选框

Debug Menu -> Exceptions (Ctrl + Alt + E) -> Find.. type the exception name, then untick the check boxes.


If it's your own exception, you can add it by clicking Add, select Common Language Runtime Exceptions and then putting in the fully qualified name of the exception. Then untick the boxes.