我如何附上一个过程,在Visual Studio中的调试器?

我如何附上一个过程,在Visual Studio中的调试器?


我知道我可以开始在code进程与的Process.Start()。 是否也可以将调试器附加到该进程?

I know I can start a process in code with Process.Start(). Is it also possible to attach the debugger to that process?


Not from code per se , but just a way to do it?

您可以连接到正在运行的进程使用工具|附加到进程。如果它是一个Web应用程序,你可以将它通过连接到 ASPNET_WP.EXE 的w3wp.exe

You can attach to a running process using Tools | Attach to Process. If it's a Web Application, you can attach to it by attaching to aspnet_wp.exe or w3wp.exe.


To answer your question on how to attach to a process programmatically:


Here are other Stack Overflow questions that deal with that:

  • Communicating与编程的Visual Studio调试?
  • Programmatically在Visual Studio应用断点
  • Communicating with the Visual Studio Debugger Programmatically?
  • Programmatically apply breakpoints in Visual Studio