如何在Apple Watch状态栏中隐藏或删除时间?


如何在应用程序的Apple Watch状态栏屏幕上隐藏或删除小时钟?

How do I hide or remove the small clock from Apple Watch statusbar screen on my app?


I searched the web for this but found nothing!


I just discovered that Apple will reject your app if you remove that clock, but my app is a watch face itself and doesn't need to display that time.


As you pointed out, trying to hide or remove the time from the status bar will get your app rejected.

由于Apple不允许开发人员创建自定义表盘(即使在watchOS 3中也是如此),因此尚无法完成您想做的事情.

There's no way to accomplish what you want to do yet, since Apple doesn't permit developers to create custom watch faces (even in watchOS 3).


供您参考,状态栏上没有出现时间的唯一情况是模态演示同时具有左右栏按钮标题.这通常不会发生,但会在听写过程中发生-文本输入控制器在状态栏的左侧显示一个 Cancel 按钮,在状态栏的右侧显示一个 Done 按钮.

For your information, the only situation when the time does not appear on the status bar is when a modal presentation has both a left AND a right bar button title. This usually does not occur, but will happen during dictation -- the text input controller shows a Cancel button on the left and a Done button on the right of the status bar.

在破解标题栏(或使用私有API)时, 不会 使您的应用获得批准,但您可能会考虑采用一种隐藏"状态栏的方式本身,或其他任何不会显示时间的模式视图的正确标题.

While hacking the bar titles (or using a private API) wouldn't get your app approved, you might look into a way of "hiding" the status bar itself, or the right title of any other modal view which doesn't happen to show the time.
