


If I need to query certain data from the database depending on some variables is there a better way than doing this ?

if($_POST['condition'] == '1'){
  $sign = '<';
  $number = '3';
} else if($_POST['condition'] == '2'){
  $sign = '>';
  $number = '10';

SELECT value1, value2 FROM table WHERE id $sign $number 


如果我有一个像这样的简单查询,这有效,但我也需要 ORDER BY 中的某些条件,我需要添加另一个 AND 和其他一些条件,然后很快,查询看起来更像是变量,而不是查询.

This works if I have a simple query like this, but I need certain conditions in the ORDER BY too, I need to add another AND with some other conditions and soon the query looks more like variables, than a query.


Is there another way of using variables in order to alter the query, is it bad if I have a lot of variables in query like that ?


是的,有更好的方法.除了使用准备好的语句来防止 SQL 注入之外,您还可以使用相同的数据在前端生成选择以及构建查询.以这个函数为例:

Yes, there is a better way. Besides using prepared statements to prevent SQL injection, you can use the same data to generate the selection in the frontend as well as building the query. Look at this function for example:

public function getFilterOptions(): array
    return [
        ['name' => 'Age >30', 'comparator' => '>', 'comparable' => 30],
        ['name' => 'Age until 21', 'comparator' => '<=', 'comparable' => 21],


You can then use this method to generate the filter selection in the frontend:

echo '<select name="query_filter">';
foreach (getFilterOptions() as $key => $option) {
    echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $option['name'] . '</option>';
echo '</select>';

请耐心等待这段代码,因为我不知道提问者使用的是什么模板系统,以纯 PHP 为例.


And in your filter code, you can directly access the filter options with the given index:

$optionIndex = $_POST['query_filter'];
// TODO: you should check first if this index exists and handle errors appropriately
$option = getFilterOptions()[$optionIndex];

// building the query will be easy then...
// note: it is not possible to dynamically bind operators of a query
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM persons WHERE age $option['comparator'] :comparable");
// or explicit: $stmt->execute(['comparable' => $option['comparable']]);
// using PDO is actually not really necessary here as the options are hard coded
// and not user-given, but it is best practice anyway...

这样做的好处是您可以将所有过滤器选项集中在一个位置,使更改变得更容易、更安全.此外,根据用户输入选择过滤器的代码比使用多个 ifelse if 语句少很多.

The advantage of doing it this way is that you have all your filter options in a central place, making changes both easier and safer. Also the code of selecting the filters based on the user input is a lot less than if you use multiple if and else if statements.


Of course this is only a very basic example, you can improve on it quite a lot, especially with more complex filters. You could for example also have the database column be part of your filter options. But I just wanted to give you a hint as to what would be possible.