




Hi all,

I have made a small WPF application that contains a small database (5 tables a couple of 000''s bits of data), currently my plan is to deploy the db with the application on each computer it get''s installed on. I can''t think of a better way to do this as each user will have access to change the database as they see fit. I don''t want one person''s data messing up another person''s. Is there a better way of doing this or is this the only way?


Depending on the database system you are planning to use, it may be the best way.
If you use MySQL or MsSQL, then no - bad idea.
If you use SqLite or SqlCE then yes - good idea. I don''t have experience with SqLite, but SqlCE is a stand alone, cut down version of MsSQL which is intended for single user applications, and requires no installation other than that which is needed for .NET anyway.

您可以将数据库脚本化为sql文件,然后让安装程序(或用户)shell执行该sql文件.当然,必须在系统上安装SQL Server才能起作用.
You can script the the database to a sql file, and then have the installer (or the user) shellexecute the sql file. Of course, SQL Server must be installed on the system for that to work.