

我似乎无法找到一种方法来检测何时收到通知.例如,如果我的应用程序处于打开状态并且用户收到 Facebook 推送通知\,是否有任何 UIApplication 通知或其他什么会告诉我应用程序不再在前台,而 Facebook 警报在顶部?最好是在通知是横幅或警报时触发的内容

I cannot seem to find a way to detect when a notification comes in. For example, if my app is open and the user gets a Facebook push notification\, is there any UIApplication notification or something else that will tell me that the app is no longer in the foreground and the Facebook alert is on top? Preferably something that is fired if the notification is a banner or an alert


You cannot detect a push notification sent to another app.


If you want to detect whether your app is not in foreground anymore, you can use the applicationWillResignActive: method of UIApplicationDelegate or register for the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification.


However, when the notification banner appears on top, your application is still in foreground. When the notification is prompted as an alert instead (the user can set this in the preferences), the application loses the focus and it won't be in foreground anymore.