


How to popup our application window on the other machines display when we send the message to that machine? Machines are on same LAN network.


You can't.

The only way to do something like that is if a program is running on the other machine to receive the message and know what to do with it, like displaying it in a window.

你会想要使用System.Net.Sockets命名空间, http:// msdn。 microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets(v=vs.110).aspx [ ^ ]

例如,它有一个UdpClient类, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system。 net.sockets.udpclient.aspx [ ^ ],你可以用来通过局域网进行通信。

你的代码将使用套接字绑定到某个端口(你可以选择任何未使用的端口) )。然后你可以使用计时器检查端口何时接收数据并相应地处理它。

You'll want to use the System.Net.Sockets namespace, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets(v=vs.110).aspx[^]
For example, it has a UdpClient class, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.udpclient.aspx[^], which you can use to communicate over the LAN.

Your code will use the socket to bind to a certain port (you can pick anyone that is not in use). Then you can use a timer to check when the port receives data and process it accordingly.

I would suggest searching the articles on this site as well as google for c# .net sockets examples.