


Will Flash content work in applications on Android Jelly Bean, as it's not supporting Flash... Share your knowledge about this..

无论移动设备支持Flash / AIR运行时播放器插件与否,应用可能总是打包带圈养运行。

Whether mobile devices support Flash / AIR player runtime plugins or not, apps may always be packaged with Captive Runtime.


A captive runtime bundle is a package that includes your application code along with a dedicated version of the runtime. An application packaged in this manner uses the bundled runtime instead of the shared runtime installed elsewhere.


Users can then run the application even on a device that does not already have AIR installed on it. Depending on the platform to which you are exporting the package, you can use a captive runtime or a shared runtime.


Captive runtime is mandatory for iOS devices.


Flash apps packaged with captive runtime may be deployed regardless of mobile browser Flash integration.