我们可以在我们的 android 应用程序中获取 chrome 浏览历史记录/书签吗


我们能否像使用 READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS 权限在默认浏览器中一样获取 chrome 浏览历史记录/书签?PS:我只是想知道这可能吗?

can we get chrome browsing history/bookmarks like we get in default browser using READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS permission? PS:I Just want to know is it possible?

是的,很有可能.使用这个 uri:content://com.android.chrome.browser/bookmarks 而不是 Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI

Yes it is very much possible. Use this uri: content://com.android.chrome.browser/bookmarks instead of Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI

String[] proj = new String[] { Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE,Browser.BookmarkColumns.URL };
Uri uriCustom = Uri.parse("content://com.android.chrome.browser/bookmarks");
String sel = Browser.BookmarkColumns.BOOKMARK + " = 0"; // 0 = history, 1 = bookmark
Cursor mCur = getContentResolver().query(uriCustom, proj, sel, null, null);
String title = "";
String url = "";

if (mCur.moveToFirst() && mCur.getCount() > 0) {
    boolean cont = true;
    while (mCur.isAfterLast() == false && cont) {
        title = mCur.getString(mCur.getColumnIndex(Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE));
        url = mCur.getString(mCur.getColumnIndex(Browser.BookmarkColumns.URL));
        // Do something with title and url

尚未测试代码是否有错误,但它应该可以正常工作.重要的是知道要使用的 uri.阅读this 可能会有所帮助.

Havent tested the code for errors but it should work fine. The important thing is knowing the uri to use. Reading this and this might help.