Facebook API:我可以从墙上阅读帖子而不登录吗?


我需要从Facebook的墙壁上获取给定类型的公开帖子,我无法找出最简单的方法。我可以使用Facebook API,而不需要登录用户?谢谢。

I need to fetch public posts of given type from a Facebook wall and I can't figure out the easiest way. Can I use the Facebook API for this without the need to login the user? Thanks.

  • 您可以在 Facebok的。要获取任何用户的资料,您必须需要访问令牌。公开资讯提供任何有效的存取令牌,可以使用应用程式令牌。

    • You can fetch public post without login in Facebok. For get feeds of any user, you must need access token. Public feeds take any valid access token, application tokens can be used.


      Set your app up in Facebook and it will give you an app id and an API key. Get the profile id for the public page feed you want, and that's all you need.

      只需替换 PROFILE ID或NAME APPID SECRETKEY 值在下面的URL,你会得到你想要的结果在 JSON Facebook

      Just replace PROFILE ID OR NAME and APPID and SECRETKEY values in below URL and you would get your desired result in JSON from Facebook

      https://graph.facebook.com/PROFILE ID OR NAME/feed?access_token=APPID|SECRETKEY