官方Facebook RSS Feed为页面



例如: http://ahrengot.com/tutorials/facebook-rss-feed/

Many people have described how to obtain the RSS data feed for a Facebook page.
For example: http://ahrengot.com/tutorials/facebook-rss-feed/

以下网址提供了可口可乐网页的Feed: br>
http://www.facebook.com/feeds/page。 php?format = rss20& id = 40796308305

The following URL provides the feed for Coca-Cola's page:


However, I cannot seem to find any documentation on facebook.com that describes this interface. Does anyone know if this interface is officially supported by Facebook? I don't want to reference it in my code only to have it dropped unexpectedly by Facebook.

我知道我可以使用Graph API的页面对象以获取类似的数据,但是这需要SSL和访问令牌,如果可能,我想避免使用。

I know I could use the Graph API 'posts' method of the 'page' object to obtain similar data, but that requires SSL and an access token, which I would like to avoid if possible.

似乎像Facebook喜欢JSON over RSS。他们支持迄今为止的两种格式,但JSON可能会超过RSS。如果您有兴趣,我已经创建了一些代码示例,了解如何使用PHP解析JSON feed:

Seems like Facebook prefers JSON over RSS. They support both formats to date, but JSON will likely outlive RSS. I've created some code samples for how to parse the JSON feed with PHP if you're interested:



No access token is required if the page is published (step one in the link above).