Web API操作返回类型的最佳实践


从此来源: http://www.tutorialsteacher.com/webapi/action-method-return-type-in​​-web-api 我知道,Web API中的Action可以返回:

From this source: http://www.tutorialsteacher.com/webapi/action-method-return-type-in-web-api I got, that Action in Web API can return:

  1. void
  2. 原始类型或复杂类型
  3. HttpResponseMessage
  4. IHttpActionResult


I know what each of this options does, but I am curious whether there is some best practise, for example always use IHttpActionResult as return type, because it is a superset of all other options.

我使用 asp.net core ,但原理是相同的.另外,并不是说这是最好的方法,但对我来说,这是一个非常不错的设置.

I use asp.net core but principle is the same. Also, not saying this is the best way, but for me this is the setup that works pretty nice.

我总是使用 IActionResult 作为最灵活的方法.然后,我可以使用完全不知道我的服务(该操作方法称为)返回的 DTO 的操作方法.我所做的或多或少是这样的:

I always use IActionResult as its most flexible for me. I can then have action methods completely unaware of DTOs that my services (which action methods call) return. All i do is, more or less, something like this:

public IActionResult ActionMethod(params){
  return Ok(this._myService.whatever());

这样,如果您更改了服务返回的 DTO (这种情况经常发生,尤其是在早期开发阶段),那么我根本就不需要触摸控制器.

This way, if you change DTO that your service returns (which happens alot, especially in early development phases), i don' thave to touch my controller at all.


Also, i have pretty much unified way of returning things where my custom exception error filter catches all service layer custom exceptions like validation exception, operation exception, etc...


在过滤器中,您实际上并没有返回传统意义上的结果.您宁可设置您的 context.result (类型为 IActionResult ).因此,可以说我的服务抛出了我的自定义 MyServiceOperationException(您不能这样做")异常.

in filters you don't actually return in a traditional sense. You rather set your context.result (which is of type IActionResult). So, lets say my service throws my custom MyServiceOperationException("You cannot do that") exception.


What i do in my exception filter is:

public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
      if (context.Exception is MyServiceOperationException)
        context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(new MyErrorResult(){ 
          Message = context.Exception.Message,
          Code=context.Exception.MyErrorCode }