


There is an array which looks like this:

    _id: 'xxnQt5X8pfbcJMn6i',
    order: 2
    _id: 'X8pfbcJxxnQt5Mn6i',
    order: 1
    _id: 'Qt5X8pfxxnbcJMn6i',
    order: 3

现在,我需要按 order 值对该数组的对象进行排序.我尝试这样做:

Now I need to sort the objects of this array by the order value. I tried to do this:

array.sort((a, b) => {
  return (a.order > b.order)
    ? 1
    : (b.order > a.order)
      ? -1
      : 0

但是首先,对于我来说,仅按整数值进行排序看起来有些复杂,其次,它给了我错误 TypeError:无法分配为仅读取对象'[object Array]'的属性'1'/code>

But first it looks to me a bit to complicated for just sorting by an integer value and second it gives me the error TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '1' of object '[object Array]'


This can be achieved using Array.prototype.sort, no need for the further return conditions on the ternary operator, the array will implicitly be sorted by the first comparison:

    _id: 'xxnQt5X8pfbcJMn6i',
    order: 2
    _id: 'X8pfbcJxxnQt5Mn6i',
    order: 1
    _id: 'Qt5X8pfxxnbcJMn6i',
    order: 3
].sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order))


I can't reproduce the error that you're getting using the example provided though.